HUSAR – galeria ciepła
Logo Husar


Total Floor Area



HUSAR GALERIA CIEPŁA is a place where you will find everything to warm your home. The company sells pellet and eco-pea boilers, as well as gas boilers and heat pumps.

We refreshed the company’s image: we rebranded the logotype, which made it more legible and modern. We also provided comprehensive advertising services by creating a visual identification system, outdoor advertising (light boxes, spatial letters, banners) and advertising prints.

rebranding logo
Logo Husar pionowe
Logo Husar poziome
idendyfikacja wizualna
projekt ulotki składane dl
projekt ulotki składane
wizytówka folia złota
Litery przestrzenne
Reklama zewnętrzna
reklama zewnętrzna 1
Husar Rybnik
projekt box 1